90 Days of Thriving: Day 1 Vibes Don't Lie
I have 90 days, give or take before I turn 70. I'm going to ground until then and looking at what conditions I need to thrive. I'm basically a human houseplant. My friend Jason says I'm a badass. He's not wrong. I stand up for people,speak truth to power and do what needs doing. Love for me always looked what I needed as a kid, protection, so I protect. Sometimes, I protect myself unneccessarily. I'm getting better at that. For one thing I know who my people are.That's no small thing for a recovering people pleaser. I know this to be true, vibes don't lie. Solitude and ample amounts of it create space for the still small voice of intuition to be heard. I trust that. My people are few in number and wildly diverse. What they have in common is kind hearted generousity to everyone. That doesn't mean they let people walk all over them or don't set boundaries. They love themselves too, after all. Today I