Sound Bite Lives
A friend of mine is writing her
memoir. Frankly, I’d would rather poke my eye out with a stick and run
screaming into the woods. An honest story told with respect takes guts, and that’s
what a memoir is, a story. We need stories. Story tellers used to be highly regarded
in communities because despite our apparent differences we are the same in more
ways than we will ever be different. Stories remind us of our common humanity. We
need to hear stories and we need to tell them. Through the healing power of
stories connections are forged and strengthened.
Without our
stories about who we are and how we came to be we sink into sound bite lies
that bind us in shame for who we think we aren't. Hearing stories keeps shame at bay. Stories are the equivalent
of human road signs that say, "You are not alone!" "Me
too!" "It gets better." "Hang in there." Stories
infuse our lives with meaning, like salt in a stew. But, first we must get past
the idea that our lives only have meaning in status updates, 47 character posts
and selfies.
We lose something precious when
we attempt to condense who we are and what we’ve been through into a kind of
short hand label. “I’m a teacher.”
“She’s a narcissist.” “He’s gay.” We fling labels at ours selves and each other
too easily and treat the truth they allege as sacrosanct. Then, we act like we know all about someone
simply because we know the label we’ve slapped on them. In fact, we don’t know
them at all because we haven’t taken the time to know them. It’s like reading a
one sentence summary of a novel instead of actually reading the book.
I am more than any one thing that
you want call me, a teacher, a single woman, a singer, a poet. All of those labels
are true and none of them are true. I am more than one thing and so are you. A
friend said that he wished he could ramble through someone’s mind like one
would ramble through an antique shop in a small town. The good news is that he
can. It’s called having a conversation. That’s
how stories are born.
Here’s how it works, (in case
you’ve forgotten), the next time you are with someone, unplug. Put away your
device, make eye contact and listen to the person you’re with like you are
reading a really good book. Ask questions, share a little of what makes you
tick. Don’t complain, don’t gossip, and don’t think you know anything, just
have a conversation. You’ll be surprised at the magic that transpires.
We are Holy lovers,
Created by the Divine
Living her story through space and time
Tell me your story
And I'll tell you mine
We'll listen like lovers with nothing but time.
You'll tell who you are
And I'll learn who I'm not
We'll listen like lovers and say that we're not.
Let's sit together, just us two
And share our hearts
It's what lovers do.
One of the problems with labels that we give ourselves or others is that we then have an expectation that can create stress, heartache and disappointment. For example, if I see myself as a wise older teacher, it's easy to get annoyed with someone who doesn't treat me as such. On my best days I am merely having a human experience.
It is an act of faith and no small amount of courage to let things unfold and be what they will be instead of trying to control them. Curiosity is a good attribute to have. Who is this person? What will this be? It takes guts to steer a steady course when your passions are inflamed.