Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
“ There's a kind of a restless feeling and it catches you off guard ” Gordon Lightfoot . I've been feeling like that this week, restless and ill at ease. River Daughter used to say,“Sometimes you just want to drive 90 miles an hour and do everything they tell you not to.” She was 15 then and that pretty much sums it up. Being disrespectful of that restless feeling and wanting to stomp it down will cause a grown woman to do all sorts of stupid ass things. I know that because I’m a grown woman who’s done all sorts of stupid ass things. And I don’t regret any of them for a minute, thank you very much, not even the drummers, and that’s saying something. There are some women and not a few men who just can’t stand that itchy soul feeling that you get sometimes and before you know it they’re off on a reckless tear that will make someone cry for them. They don’t give themselves time and space to l...