It's Never Too Late To Be Great
I've got a cold so I’m going to make this short and cut to the chase. We need everyone to be great, folks. By great I mean your best self, your most holy self, your most loving self. Be great, do whatever you need to do to make it happen. It shouldn’t be that hard but let’s face it, there’s not a whole lot of support for being great these days. There’s a lot of support for being everything else but not great. My friend Melinda calls it the know your place and stay in it syndrome. Other people think they have the right to determine our reality and we let them. We believe them when tell us that we can’t or shouldn’t or wouldn’t dare. We believe them when they tell us they're better than us and that we are who they say we are. We believe them when they tell us the world is flat and man can’t fly. Yeah, you know what I’m taking about. We believe the self serving deceptions...