In the Name of Tolerance or I am Not a Wuss
It was like a bad bluegrass joke about what happens to a banjo player when…only it wasn't a joke. A banjo player I know got decked. More than one person thought he had it coming and dismissed it until it happened again and there was property damage. Jack justified what he did by calling Dan a bully. That’s the problem with violence, it’s easy to justify and it’s never the answer, never. I don’t think Dan is a bully, just not very bright about how to be part of a group. He says things that are insensitive, but rarely really mean, like I said, not very bright. I've questioned how to deal with him over the years; mainly I've ignored him in the name of tolerance and let the group handle it. But, when is enough enough? How much bad behavior should we accept in the name of tolerance? And is that even tolerance? One definition of tolerance is the unconditional love and acceptance of another being. I don’t know about y...